
Dark LinkXReader-A Demon's love~Part 2

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You muttered harsh words as you marched through Hyrule field. What was Helio's problem anyway? He was just a scaredy cat,afraid of everything and is far from adventurous.

"Psshh I don't need him anyway! It's actually kinda nice not having him buzz and jingle in m face every five minutes!"you yell as you stretch your arms.

West villages are pretty far on foot..Maybe Malon will loan me a horse for a while.

You nod at your idea and head back to LonLon ranch.

As you head to the ranch you encounter a large number of Stalfos and Moblins but you fought  them off easily, though it seemed a little unusual that there were so many Moblins and Stalfos in one area.

You also noticed the sky turn dark above LonLon Ranch. Getting a little concerned you hurried to the ranch,but when you got there everything was a wreck.

"What happened here?"you wonder aloud.

"_____, is that you?!"You look up and see Malon, struggling with one of her horses. QUickly, you rush over to assist her.

"Malon, what's going on here?" you ask. She looked at the sky as fierce wind started to blow.

"I think a bad storm is coming! We have to get these horses in the barn quickly!" Malon explains. You nod your head and quickly rush over to help her with the horses.

As soon as the last horse was secure, the two of you rush back over to her house, managing to get inside just before the rain began to pour.

"______, are you okay?" Malon asks. You shake your head as you peer out of the window at the darkening sky.

"No..I'm worried about Helio..I said such horrible things to him in our fight and he left.And now outs pouring..what if he got caught in the rain..or something bad happened to him?"you tell her, guilt twisting your stomach into knots.

The redhead walked over to you and put a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look at her.

"Don't worry _____, I am sure that wherever Helio is,he's safe and dry.."she assures.You try your best and give a weak smile.

"Yes...maybe you're right,,"

"Oh man..if I had known it was gonna rain like this I would have never left _____'s side.."Helio sighed. "I mean what if she didn't find anywhere warm and dry, she may be shivering in the cold wet rain!"

"Don't worry..I'm sure _____ is fine and safe wherever she is. She's tough! You should know that better than anyone!"Navi says, fluttering around him.

"Yeah but _____ is lost without me! What if a Stalfos got her or a Moblin?! I have to go find her!" The little fairy started to fly out into the rain but a couple fingers gripped his wings and stopped him.

"And how can you look for her when fairies can't fly one the rain?" Link asks, blue eyes peering down at the tiny fairy in his hold.

A whimper escaped from Helio as he looked up at the blond man.


The former hero smiled at him.

"Don't worry about Navi said.._____ is tough, you of all people should know that!"

"Yeah but..I said such mean things to her...and on top of that I left her alone.."

"What were you guys fighting about anyway!"Navi asks.

Helio was silent for a moment then spoke again.

"_____ plans on going face the demon.."

Link's eyes widen.

"What?The demon of the west? She can't go there! Not on her own at least, she'll be killed!"he exclaimed.

Quickly, he stood from his seat and tossed his sword over his back, along with his shield.

"Where are you going,Link?!"Navi asked him.Link looked back at her and gave only one answer.

"I'm going to find ______ and stop her!"


Dark Link smirked in the rain. How he loved it. The black midnight sky above him poured it and made his pale white skin glisten in the moonlight.

"Hey, I'm wet and cold. Lets stop searching for now and find a place to stay in!"his dark fairy, Navo growled. Dark Link rolled his red eyes and looked over at the fairy.

"Fine..but we're in the middle if Hyrule field..where can we stay at?"he asks. Navo flew high in the air and looked around.

"Hey! I see a ranch about 13 meters away! Lets kill anybody in there and the. Stay there for the night!"

Dark Link grinned devilishly at the sound of killing and immediately agreed.

"Alright then!Lets go~"

"So what exactly were you on Helio fighting about anyway?"Malon asks as she pours you a  cup of warm milk. You hold the cup to your mouth but never take a sip.

"It was..about going west.I was going to face the demon if the west,"you mumble. Malon's eyes widen.

"What?_____, why would you even think about going out west to face him?"She asks.

You shrug.

"I'm a bounty hunter..I can't help it, and besides, he has a large amount if rupees over his head.."

Malon opened her mouth to lecture you, but a loud crash of thunder followed by the power going out, drew her attention away frm your recklessness.

"Great..a power outage.."She growled, fumbling around in the dark before grabbing some candles and lighting them."You do know that he resides somewhere in the Gerudo province now since he destroyed Gerudo valley."

"Yeah and that's why I need a horse!" You tell her.

She threw you a questionable look.

"A horse? You came to get a horse so you can ride off into your death?!"

Her reaction caused you to sigh and slump n your chair. Did no one have faith in you?

"Malon..relax.I can handle some demon of the west..I'm sure all those stories were exaggerated.."

"But what of they're not? What if you really do get killed?" Her expression was now one of worry.

"I don't know.."

Dark Link crept around on the shadows as he entered the ranch.The sound if voices drew him to a window that he hid under,listening to the conversation.

Judging by the pitch and sounds of the voices,the people speaking were females.He smirked,he loved killing females almost as much as little kids.

Their high shrieks and cries as he tormented then by destroying everything.Some usually offered him things in exchange for mercy. He had even been offered sex a few times but it had never worked on him, he loved to see blood spilled instead.

He drew his sword silently and peeked in the window.

Inside we're two girls,a red head and a (H/c) head.He smirked as he pictured those girls stained with blood and lying dead at his feet.

He had to do it just right though, barging right in and slaying them wouldn't be fun.

No,he had to do it just right and he knew just how to do it.

You and Malon both look at the door at the sounds of panicked horses. They were surprisingly louder than the storm.

"Something's wrong with the horses..probably a rat or something..I'll go check it out."Malon says, standing.

You nod to her and watch as she leaves the house and heads to the barn.

After a while if her being gone you started to wonder if maybe a horse trampled her or something so you decide to go after her.

You  strolled over to the barn but stop in your tracks at the sound of things banging around and you could of sworn there was muffled screams.

A shiver goes down your spine as you grab the door handles and throw the large wooden door open.

"Malon are you okay?!"you call as you look in,however there was only silence.Hesitantly you step inside but slip on something and fall on your side.You sit up and look at the floor.

"What is this?"you hold your hand up to your face and look at it. It was blood and it was everywhere, causing you to slip and become covered in it.

"B-blood? Malon! Where are you?!"You look around desperately and spot something lying in the hay stack in front of you. Desperately you get to your feet and run over to it.

"Malon?"you kneel down and see that it's a dead body.You cover your mouth and flip the body over.

The sight disgusted you.

It was her horribly, mutilated corpse.

It sickened you and made your stomach churn. You had to look away and cry out:

"Who..did this?!"

"That would be me..but don't'll be the same way soon."a dark voice answered your question.

You look back and see two blood red eyes staring down at you, cutting through the darkness. You didn't like this person.

Their energy was so dark and strong that it was palpable.

You scooted away from the person and got to your feet.

You were at a loss for words.

What could be said?

Those red eyes struck fear into your very soul.

You had never felt anything like it.

"Let me're gonna hit the ground now and beg for your life."the person mocked. You glare at them and scoff as you draw your sword..

"Why the hell would I do that? You must not know  who I am!"you shout,charging at them.

The sound of metal clashing against one another echoed through the barn as your sword is immediately blocked with another.

"You intend on fighting back? Do you know exactly who I am little girl?"the person growls. You push against his sword.

"Frankly, I couldn't care less! "You jump back and take a swing at the him again.

"Wow someone who actually fights back.I like it,it will make killing you a lot more satisfying." He stepped out from the shadows, revealing his face as he swung at you once more.

His smoke grey hair and slick black hat looked all to familiar. He wore a pitch black Tunic  with brown boots and his face, you knew that face.

"L-Link?"you mumble.

He smirked.

"Not even close sweetheart!"Before you could respond you felt his knee crash into your stomach that sent  you flying backwards and  colliding into the wall where you fell to the ground, stunned.

The force of the hit had knocked all the air right out of you and left you you gasping for air.

"I'm nothing like that fool Link. I'm much better and stronger than him. You''d do well to remember this..I'm Dark Link or as you weaklings call me..the Demon of the west."he grinned.

You looked at him intently.

"Y-you're the demon?" you stammered. Dark Link grinned and walked  over to you.

"You know of all the hundreds I've killed, you're the first to ever fight back against me .I commend you for that, girl; however, I don't let anything live." He whispered to you.

You had to fight or he would kill you right then and there.

You looked around for your own sword, which you had dropped after he kicked you.

A smirk came across your lips as you found it beside you and you reached for it.

Yet, Dark Link wasn't about to give you the chance to fight. He kicked it away from you and readied his own weapon.

An evil and twisted grin formed on his face as he drove the blade right into your shoulder.

You scream and growl in pain as the steel blade cuts through your skin and lodges itself deep in your shoulder before Dark Link withdraws it.

"Nighty night girl."

This was it.

You are going to die.

You squeeze your eyes close as you brace yourself for the final blow to finish you off.

Helio..I'm were right..

He was ready to finish you off, yet got distracted as the barn door flew open, nearly off of it's hinges.

"______!!"a familiar voice called to you.

You open your eyes and see Helio hovering in front of you. You gave him a weak smile.

"'re safe.."

"A fairy is going to save you? How pathetic!"Dark Link laughed.

"Not the fairy..I am! "

The man instantly stopped as a voice reached his ears. He growled and looked over as his exact copy stood in the doorway.


"You?! How did you know to come here?"he barked.

"I didn't! LonLon Ranch seemed to be a wreck so I stopped to check in.."Link smirked.

"Link....He..killed Malon..."you whimper. His blue eyes widened.


Dark Link grinned.

"Yeah I killed her and I'm gonna kill your little girlfriend here too!"

Clutching his sword, Link charged at his evil doppelganger. 

"Don't you touch her! You bastard!" 

He cut his way between you and your attacker, separating him from you before kneeling at your side.

"______are you okay?"

"She's bleeding!"Navi squealed.

Helio fluttered around your face.

"No!______! You'll be okay! Just stay awake!!"he screeched.

"Helio..I'm fine.." Pushing yourself up, you sigh and look over at Link.

"You'll bleed to're not fine.."Dark Link smirked."But this is good..I can kill you both at the same time!"

"_____ get out of here, I'll take care of him.."The blond ordered, glaring at Dark Link. "You need to take care of your arm before you really do bleed to death."

You roll your eyes and tear a piece of your skirt off, getting his attention.

Link blushed deeply at your exposed thigh.

"_____, what are you doing?" You look at him and give the the piece of cloth.

"Just shut up and tie my arm! Hurry!!" He gulped, nodding and doing exactly as you had told him.

"There it's tied but you still have to go!"he tells you, but you ignored his demands.

"No way, I'm a bounty! I'm gonna kill this bastard and take all that money!Plus..I..I have to avenge Malon.."

The Dark demon simply smirked at you while Link stared.

"_____! No! You are no match for him! You have no idea how strong he really is!"

"And lets not forget about you having no weapon too!"Dark Link cooed, holding up your own sword.

"Like I said..I'm a bounty.."you smirk and pull out a second sword from your sheath on your belt. "I came prepared!"

The hero scrambled to his feet and grabbed your wrist.

"_____, I can't let you fight him.."

"Well Ready or not, here I come!"

Dark Link charged at you and Link and swung his steel blade at the two of you.

You barely managed to avoid the hit.

Link pushed you outside and ran after you.

"Run _____!"he demanded.

"What? No way! I'm staying here! I can take him!"you protest."

Link glared at you.

"I said go!You can't handle him!"

"Yes I can!"You push past Link and stand in front of Dark Link, who seemed to mock you.

"Really now? You think you can hurt me? Let me see you try it!"

"______ No!"Link tried to run to you but a wall of fire separated the two of you, preventing hims from getting to your side.

"You just shut up and watch! This will be interesting!"Dark Link growled at him.

You glare at The Demon before you.

The number one thing you hated was being underestimated.

"I'll show you what I can do!"

Dark Link(c) Nintendo

Preview pic(c)Original amazing artist. Found here

© 2013 - 2024 ImpressHeta
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ilovekyubimon's avatar
*me, rereading the story but now with other anime knowledge*
*sees link save Reader-Chan*

No one:
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Not a single soul: